Pakistan’s family planning challenges ; can condom help…?

At the moment , population growth in Pakistan is rated as the fifth highest in the world ; considered one of the most formidable challenges it faces. If the population is projected to reach 250 million by 2025, there would be immense pressure on resources, infrastructure, and the environment. Effective family planning will definitely reduce this pressure, but till now, Pakistan has not been very successful in implementing any family planning programme. Against this background, the use of condoms would be a long way ahead in alleviating this challenge.

Pakistan faces a myriad of challenges as far as family planning is concerned. Among the most important are  lack of awareness and education in the methods of family planning, especially among women. Only 35% of females have been reported to have knowledge about modern methods for family planning, according to a recent Survey.

Further confounded by cultural and religious taboos associated with family planning, this unawareness is still stigmatized under the umbrella term of “cultural and religious values“.

Another challenge is that access to family planning services remains low in rural areas of the country. Inhibitions to healthcare facilities are most common among women ; therefore, these inhibitions limit their ability to acquire family health services. The quality of family planning services is also poor , with most healthcare providers being less skilled and the contraceptive methods available also being limited.

Condoms are an enormous potential solution for solving the problem of family planning in Pakistan. It is a simple, efficacious, inexpensive system of contraception.

With a condom on , unintended pregnancies can be avoided , STIs prevented  and women will be better at controlling their reproductive health.

However, the overall use of condoms in Pakistan remains low . This low usage is largely due to stigma associated with condom use and limited access to and a lack of awareness about condoms.

The stigma associated with condom use in Pakistan is a significant barrier to their adoption. Condoms are often viewed as a Western influence, and their use is stigmatized. This stigma is especially pronounced in rural areas where traditional values and social norms prevail.

Empowerment of women in Pakistan has to walk hand in hand with family planning. This includes education of women about the methods available, making the methods accessible, and giving a woman respect without fear of coercion from husbands or other family members with regard to decisions concerning her health.

The challenges to family planning in Pakistan are huge, but condoms can help immensely in surmounting them. Making people aware of condoms, access to them, reduction in associated stigma, and empowerment of women can help Pakistan make tremendous progress toward population management and the good health and well-being of its people.

The writer @Rawaleedbhatti is a freelance investigative journalist and editor of